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Posted on May 27 2022

Many patients diagnosed with cancer seek information on dietary issues. The aim is to avoid the dreaded physical deterioration caused by the disease and the treatments administered.

Does cancer change appetite?

Cancer affects eating in a number of ways. It can cause a feeling of permanent satiety, pain, tiredness, and the associated sadness also influence insufficient nutrition. Some tumors cause malfunctioning of digestive systems due to obstruction, complications such as bleeding and infections that cause an exaggerated consumption and loss of calories.

Recommended nutrition for cancer patients

The cancer patient should take more care of his diet than any other person. The patient should look for a healthy and balanced diet according to his nutritional needs and his treatment. To this end, the patient can consult his physician or a nutritionist to achieve a sufficient, healthy, and balanced diet containing foods from all the food groups.


Achieving the right balance in quantity and frequency will help to:

  • Get the necessary nutrients.
  • Maintain weight.
  • Adequate hydration.
  • Avoid side effects and prevent complications.
  • Improve quality of life.

What does this diet mean in practice?


  • Split the meals over 4 to 5 meals a day.
  • Eat five portions of whole fruit and vegetables a day. It is advisable to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables.
  • It is important to ensure a daily protein intake. For example, two daily intakes of protein foods such as eggs, fish, and lean meat.
  • Daily energy food such as cereals, legumes, and tubers.
  • Daily intake of dairy products.
  • Maintain proper hydration, for which water and infusions are recommended.
  • Preferably use virgin olive oil.
  • Prepare simple meals and low-fat dishes.
  • Avoid consumption of alcohol and foods rich in added sugars, salt, and saturated fats.
  • Patients are also recommended to eat in company.

There are many popular beliefs, but there is no diet that alone cures or eliminates cancer. It is believed that a diet low in sugar, green tea, red fruits can contribute to cure cancer. As well as the use of porcelain utensils, organic food etc... There is not enough objective evidence to support these beliefs. Neither sugar, red meat, dairy products or chocolate, artificial sweeteners or oily fish should be disowned, but should be integrated in moderation in a sufficient and balanced diet. Cancer treatment often causes side effects that hinder or aggravate the patient's diet. That is why you should try to eat during the day even if they are small portions.

Nutrition during chemotherapy. What foods to avoid.

When appetite is lost, it is necessary to make the most of the moments of hunger as well as to prepare dishes that are more prepared and attractive to the eye.

It is advisable to walk a little before eating, to take advantage of sleepless hours to ingest some soft liquid, to enrich the dishes with protein supplements (such as powdered milk, grated cheese, egg whites, ham, turkey or chopped fish).

It is important to drink outside of meals to avoid premature filling of the stomach. When nausea and vomiting occur, it is advisable to eat frequent, small-volume meals and avoid highly seasoned fried foods. It is better to eat soft and warm food, and perhaps snacks with small sandwiches, then rest with the torso incorporated or walk briefly after eating.

When there is diarrhea, it is advisable to drink frequently (1.5-2 liters per day). It is advisable to consume lemon juice, mild broths and soft infusions. Sports drinks are useful. They should be consumed more frequently and in low volume. It is good to eat simple meals, with little fat, steamed, grilled or boiled. Avoid intense foods such as chocolate, irritating condiments, dairy products, fiber and fruit peel.


For constipation it is important to drink plenty of fluids and eat foods rich in fiber and avoid astringent foods, examples of these foods are quince, bananas, red wine or cinnamon and white rice. It is important to walk.

Once again, we advise you to always check with your doctor or health care professionals.

Cancer is not a death sentence but a LIFE sentence

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